
Sunday 20 January 2013

Homemade WonTons

 Wontons are very easy and quick to make when you use purchased wrappers.  Back in the day I used to make my own wrappers, but really, for the time and effort it involved, I find it much easier to use the bought ones.

The recipe is quite simple:
1/2 lb ground pork
1 egg
1 tbsp soy sauce
1/2 tsp sugar
1/4 tsp salt
1/8 tsp pepper
Put all ingredients in a bowl, and mix it up, I use my hand so that I know all the meat is mixed in.

Lay a number of wrappers out on a flat surface, add a teaspoon of meat mixture in the center of each wrapper.

Wet 2 connecting sides of the wrapper with water.  I just dip my finger in a bowl and rub it along the edges.

Fold wrapper over meat to make a triangle, gently press edges together, trying not to trap a pocket of air.

Fold over one of the lower edges, wet the tip, and then fold the other point over and gently press to other point.

Ready for the pot!

If you wish to deep fry them, this is the time to do it.  I'm not an expert on that way of preparing them as I have only done it once, but if I remember correctly, heat your oil (or lard) as you normally do for deep frying, carefully add wontons one at a time, cook for a few minutes and drain on paper towel.  I almost always boil mine.  Bring water to a boil, once it is boiling fairly hard, add approx 10 (more if you use a bigger pot) wontons.  I usually do 10 at a time because I can almost keep up with making the next batch, while the first batch is cooking.  Once the water is boiling hard again, cook for 3 minutes.  I'm guessing that this recipe will make around 40 wontons, but don't quote me.  Today I started with a partial package of wrappers, and ran out so I'm not sure how many it would have made.

Remove from boiling water with a slotted spoon, the water is now ready for more wontons to be added.

This is what they look like when cooked.  At this point you can add them to soup, but more often than not, I just sprinkle them with soy sauce and eat them like this.

If you love wontons but have never made them yourself, I encourage you to try it, it really is not hard.

Monday 14 January 2013

Dollar Store Drawer Pulls; Part II

In an earlier post I showed you how I made my own drawer pulls from acrylic diamonds that I found at the Dollar Store (check it out here).  I was unsure how long they would last due to the fact that they are made out of acrylic and I didn't know how much stress they would take.  After pondering it for a while I decided to drill the hole completely through the diamond.  In this situation the head of the screw shows, but since they show on the antique glass knobs, I don't think it is a problem.  In the pic below I used it on a drawer on my antique partner's desk.  I have placed a washer behind it for a little extra decoration.

On the knob on the left I used a small decorative piece that I have for making earrings to add a little more glitz.  Since the hole goes right through I know they will hold up.


Sunday 13 January 2013

And the winner is ...

The winner of my first, ever give away is ... Sheila Broughm!  Congrats Sheila, I will be contacting you.

Sunday 6 January 2013

Celebrating 10,000 Views!

There appears to be a problem leaving comments on this post, please leave your favourite on the Jewellery page, if that doesn't work, leave it on Macgirlver, my facebook page.  Thanks.

Hello friends!  I've finally decided how to do this celebrational give away.  Press the "Jewellery" tab at the top of my blog, then press the title "Earrings I", there you will find 19 pairs of earrings (I have numbered the pics 1 - 19).  Leave me a comment  to tell me which pair are your favourite.  Make sure you identify yourself in some way that you can be identified, full name, nickname, etc.  If you don't want to leave your email address in the comments section, email me at, identify yourself in the same way, and leave me your email address (if you use gmail I should be able to email you back, I think).  For a second chance at winning, "like" Macgirlver on facebook and I will put your name into the hat again.  If you have already "liked" Macgirlver on facebook I will enter your name in the draw.  I will send the winner their favourite pair of earrings in the mail.  I will send them anywhere in the world, so don't be shy, ENTER!!!! If your name is drawn I will contact you for your mailing address.

Thank you so much for reading my blog!  I look forward to hearing from you!

Oops! I forgot to put an end date on this, so okay, how about 6 pm Central Standard time on Sunday January 13, 2013.


Tuesday 1 January 2013

How to Make an Ottoman/End Table From a Styrofoam Cooler

Let me start this post by saying "I did not make this up"  I found this idea on the internet, credit goes to Imparting Grace for coming up with this great idea.  Go check out her ottoman, such a great idea Richella!  Now, as is usual for me, I changed it a little, I'm sure Richella will understand.  I wanted to be able to access the storage space provided by this project.  I didn't want the styrofoam to show, so I modpodged the inside of the top (black).  In order to clean up the edges I used some fancy schmancy duct tape that I recently picked up, and taped the edges of the lid... 

and the top edge of the box.

I cut a piece of scrap plywood to fit the bottom of the cooler.  I drilled holes through the plywood and into the styrofoam in order to insert these wheels.  When the project was done I felt it was too high off the ground, so I changed them.

I used duct tape around the bottom to secure the plywood to the cooler.

I used "egg crate" foam to pad the top, but just used a layer of quilt batting around the sides, then wrapped it in fabric.  My biggest problem everytime I used fabric is deciding which fabric I can give up.  I am a fabric hoarder, I'm always afraid to used something, because it might be better for the next project!  I finally decided I could part with this one.  I'm positive I have a coordinating fabric to go with this, but I couldn't find it.  Grrr!

I used very long staples and my air stapler to attach the fabric to the styrofoam.  I was impressed at how neat and tidy it was.

I folded the fabric under before stapling.

Here it is before the trim.

Here it is with the trim, and I changed the wheels out for little feet.  I moved them closer to the edge too.

Happy New Year!!!

Like many of you I have some New Years Resolutions, some that I have already broken and it's only noon!  Oh well, I have 364 more days right?

 Here are a few things that I am going to act on immediately:

  • Build and promote my Macgirlver Facebook page;  This has been on my mind for a while, a couple of weeks ago I got the page up, but haven't added anything to it.  Yesterday I got my first "like", I guess I better get moving on getting something on there for people to actually look at :)
  • Finish the Youth Desk I made over, and showed you a while ago.  I couldn't bring myself to sand the edges and antique it, but I'm ready now.
  • Change the wheels and add trim to the styrofoam cooler ottoman I can't wait to show you.  You are going to freak, I promise!
  • I am going to have my first "give-away".  I am getting very close (maybe today) to having 10,000 views of my blog, wow, I am blown away!  I love you people!  I know that a lot of blogs reach that number weekly or even daily, but for me, this is huge, and I want to celebrate.  Since a lot of my readers live far away, it is going to be something small, a pair of earrings that I created.  Stay tuned for that.
  • I will be doing a blog series on the house that my family built a couple of years ago, and following that I will do a series on the house my son is currently building.  (It's almost ready for painting)
  • I will be doing a post showcasing my daughter's art, she is AMAZING!
  • I am going to start cutting the tile needed for my son's bathroom floor, riveting reading I know, but this is my life, and for some reason some people want to know :)
So, that is what I have planned for January, so far.  Now that I've put all this out there, I have no choice but to follow through.  I have many other resolutions, you know the normal, eat healthier, get more exercise, be a better person, clean my house more often (groan!), and read my bible on a regular basis {yes Merle, I was listening on Sunday :)}  These I will be accountable for only to myself, my record is not so good, but I will start over as often as I need to.  (It's -22C out there today, not sure how my "skiing every day" resolution is going to go today!) 

I'm wishing you all a Happy New Year, health, happiness, and most of all peace in your soul.  I continue to pray for all the families affected by the Sandy Hook School shooting, I hope that they can somehow grow through this terrible tragedy.  It is still so unbelievable, may God bless you all.
