
Friday 28 September 2012

70's Sewing Cabinet Makeover

A while ago I was looking for an ugly old piece of 70's furniture to make over.  I came across this sewing cabinet and even though it wasn't really what I was looking for I decided it would do.

Just look at the beauty of it, NOT!

I painted the drawers with Blossom White.

First I sprayed on a light coat of Dual, by Krylon.  I only had enough for one light coat so I moved on to Rust-oleum, Blossom white in Satin 

 I gave the whole cabinet a light sanding in order to wear off some of the edges.

It wasn't as distressed as I wanted it to be, so I decided to go one step further.

I think this may be a little more antiqued than I was expecting, but....

in for a penny, in for a pound!

 I think when I get a new top put on it, it will be just fine.

Now for the top, I found a piece of laminated pine shelving.  All I had to do was cut 2 pieces to length with the circular saw, 

and the rip 3 inches off one of the pieces with the table saw.

Then I glued the 2 pieces together to make up the width that I needed. 

I clamped the 2 pieces together, cleaned up the glue, and left it to dry.

A little trial fit to make sure it is the size I want.

I gave it a good sanding, then 2 coats of primer, then a coat of "cabinet and trim" paint.  I used the following picture as inspiration.  Check out this site, gorgeous!  

I have never been to France, but I have been to Morocco, so I used street names and attractions, and made up my own.

I sanded it so it looked worn, and not crisp.

I antiqued it with ebony stain.

Popped it onto the cabinet for a photo op.

 Soon I will paint the inside, add a shelf, and attach the top to the base, but for now, there it sits, 98% done ;)


  1. Nice work Faye! We will have to talk when it comes time to decorate the new house!

  2. Great job. certainly looks better than the original product. Dixie

  3. So awesome, Faye!! I couldn't quite picture it when you were telling me about it last Sunday, but this was worth waiting for! Good luck finishing up the last 2%! :)

  4. Ooh this is lovely! I especially love the table top - Morocco & Spain are my dream vacation!

    1. Thanks so much! Morocco has always been my dream vacation, and as it turned out Spain was such a beautiful added bonus! I would love to go back. I'm not sure if you found me through Better/After or not but just in the afternoon before you commented I had come across your blog and started following you, I was thrilled to see your comment.

  5. Awesome! ~Cath

  6. But now its lost function as a sewing table :(
