
Saturday, 24 August 2013

What Do You Do With Old Windows? You Make a Bench of Course; Bench Made Out of Old Windows

So what do you do with old windows?  Well you make a bench of course!  Oh, you don't? Oh, well, I do!  I have had several old windows for many years that came out of my Grandmother's house.  Recently I found out that my husband gave some of them away!  He had been warned not to do that!  Luckily, while he was handing them out so freely, I caught up with my cousin who was on his way to the dump with a truckload of the same windows, that he had held on to for many years and now decided they had to go.  I ended up with more than I had to begin with.  I think that means I was meant to have them, don't you?  With benches being such a popular item at the gallery, I decided to make one out of windows.  I scoured the internet looking for ideas, and guess what, you aren't the only one that doesn't make benches out of windows.  Other than a potting bench I couldn't find any.  Oh well, I had an idea swirling around in my head anyway, so I carried on.

I broke the glass out of the windows, it's a good thing they weren't mirrors, I would have a life time of bad luck!  Instead all I got was one tiny little cut, that bled and bled and bled.  I had a glove on, but I guess I should have had two.  And yes I should have had safety glasses on, and I normally would, but it's such a long walk across the driveway, and well, I am very lazy!  Instead I squinted really hard, that's the same thing right?  It's okay, my eyes are intact.

Here are the windows once the glass was broken out, ha ha, you can even see the box of broken glass in front of them.  Hmmm, I wonder what I could do with that broken glass, there has to be something!

Construction almost complete!  I still had a little work to do on the seat support.  My friend Zima keeping me company off to the right.

All done, nicely dressed up with beautiful fabric.


  1. Wow. That's great! Love it.

    1. Love it, very creative once again Faye. You were very fortunate to have those windows, as I have tried to get a hold of windows with the wooden panes in & they are not that easy to get of any more. Great job.....I enjoy seeing your creations. :)

  2. Another great piece Faye. Enjoy reading the stories too.

  3. I absolutely love this one Faye!!!!!

  4. Oh no! You just upped the anti. Now I don't know which one I like best! Price the same as the one made out of chairs?
