
Friday 20 June 2014

100th Post, Woo Hoo! Pallet Coffee Table and Yet Another Bench! Oh Yeah, and a run in with a moose :(

I can't believe it but this is my one hundredth post! I started this venture in June 2012, it was such a scary endeavour for me, I mean, really, I was slow even to join Facebook and didn't do it until the family pressure finally convinced me. After that I wanted to start a blog for quite a while before I finally did it, and now here we are 2 years and 100 posts later.   Honestly I can't believe you people are interested in what I do, but I am so thankful that you check out what I have worked on, and truly, truly love the comments you have written.  I was always afraid that my friends were just humouring me when they told me my projects were good, but when total strangers take the time to comment it makes me believe I do good work, so thank you to all that have left comments!  Except the spammers, I mean really, why do they do it, I just delete them anyway, and even if I didn't, what would they get out of it?  Do they really believe that someone coming to my site to look at furniture or baking is going to read their comment and go to their Viagra site, or whatever it may be? Seriously?

I need to update my information since I am now retired!  Selling a few pieces of furniture won't make up for the loss of a regular wage, but it gives me slightly more time to produce more furniture, and life is short people, go out there and enjoy it!

On to the main topic of the post, it's a double whammy today.  First up, another bench, are you all getting tired of seeing my benches?  Well, sorry about that if you are because I don't see myself stopping, ha ha.  I try to make each one different and creative so I hope I don't bore you.  I just never knew so many people needed benches, but I'm glad they do!
I don't have a before picture for this one because it would just be an old window, some scrap wood, and a couple of chair legs, so you will just have to picture that in your head, okay?

The second project is something I was considering since I had just obtained a couple of pallets that were heading for the dump, then a friend called and asked if I could make him one.  I asked so many questions about what he wanted that he finally told me he just wanted a coffee table made out of pallets and stained, the rest was up to me.  People don't realize how many options there are when working on a piece of furniture, which is why my preference is not to do commissioned work, it's just easier to suit myself, and if you like it, awesome.  But of course that doesn't stop me from taking commissions, hey, did I mention I have no income now, ha ha.  Anyway, no before photo on this one either as I'm sure you all know what a pallet and pile of wood looks like.

This picture was taken before I added the shelf.

Here is the finished product!

Oh, as a little side note, our daughter graduated Dental Hygiene, yay!  Unfortunately, on the way home from Thunder Bay we tangled with a moose on the highway!  Fortunately Johnny and I were unhurt, which is truly amazing, God is good people, God is very, very good!  Here are a couple of pictures of my poor car.

1 comment:

  1. Faye, way to go, 100 posts! So exciting to see the creative genius in process! I love the reclaimed wood look to the bench. Keep going Faye. Desta :)
