Sunday 26 May 2013

Dresser Makeover; Two Pieces of Furniture Made From One Dresser

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This is just a quick post to show you a small part of what I have been up to lately.  Remember the dresser that I cut in half.

I used the top half to make a vanity (not yet finished, still need to add the sink), see that makeover here and here,

and today I am going to show you what I did with the bottom half.  I took a scrap piece of plywood, added some nice thick foam and wrapped it with some beautiful fabric.  I attached it to the top of the single drawer unit, and voila, a nice bench for an entrance or the foot of a bed, with storage!

Two pieces of furniture out of an old dresser, gotta say, the frugal side of me loves this!

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  1. Love it too Faye. Great choice of fabric!:)

  2. Thanks Sumaya, I love fabric! Sometimes have a hard time using it in case I come up with another use. This time I bought lots so I don't have to hoard it. :)

    1. Too funny. I do the fabric hoarding thing, too.

  3. What a great idea! I'm planning on cutting a desk apart for repurposing.

  4. These are beautiful!! I LOVE the fabric, where did you find it?

  5. That's awesome! So smart. Turned out great.

  6. That is friggin gorgeous!!! How the heck do you get the courage to cut a piece in half like that??? I'm so jealous of people like you who can visualize these projects *sigh*. :)

    1. Me too... It is awesome..!!

    2. I love this! What a brilliant idea. God bless you and your witness to Him!

  7. You are good! and I like how you include "God" :) That's great!

  8. Looks great! How did you cut the dresser in half?

  9. Late seeing this, but love all the projects you did. And, what a wonderful blog name. Will be back over and over.

  10. Love how you proclaim Christ in your life!

  11. You're my kind of woman. Wish we were in the same part of N.A. so my husband could meet someone else who knows there is new life just waiting for us to give to old stuff. Beautiful job and new life for that piece. That is likened unto us when we bring God into our lives.

  12. I love when folks are clever and reuse things that seem useless. We manufacture too much.low quality cheap crap I am a huge fan of repurpose. What you have done here is not only clever but you have yielded two beautiful pieces of furniture. You rock ...plain and simple. My prize for awesome goes to YOU!

  13. Wow this is awesome and I am truly jealous of people who can vision something like this. I have to be a copy cat :(

    1. Thanks Jan, being a copy cat is fine, you'll put your own twist on it! Have fun!

  14. Wow! This is very creative and beautiful to be able to make two pieces out of one. God did bless you with a talent.


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